The long and short of it, after labs, xray, and removal of a lymph node for biopsy, is that I likely have lymphoma. I'll know more next week. Meanwhile, I'm scheduled for a PET scan, CAT scans and have an appointment with hematology/oncology in May.
I am amazingly calm and unafraid. My loved ones are strong and supportive and lots of people are praying for me. I'm thankful for my Catholic faith. I know that suffering can be used, and can bring us even closer to God.
I'd appreciate your prayers, please, for me and for my family. Thank you so much!
OH, Kalona, I'm sorry to hear this. My love, my prayers, my hopes are with you. May you continue to feel peace as you await news, and hopefully undergo treatment. Your grace is an inspiration.
Thank you, Linda. That means a lot to me.
Many prayers for you Kalona.
Thank you, Therese!
Kalona, my children and I will be praying for you. I only have experience with the oncology clinic at Wilford Hall, not BAMC, but can tell you that they were the most supportive doctors, nurses, clerks and social workers and I'm sure BAMC is more of the same. And the patient advocate at BAMC? A jewel. A treasure. Someone who can accomplish the impossible. Even had a front desk clerk at BAMC take me aside for a prayer, I can't tell you how much that meant to me. And you will get through this. Sometimes life really stinks, but you will get through this. If I could have a mantra as a Catholic it would be this. You will get through this.
If you need ANYTHING, just ask.
And I'm darn serious about those prayers. Storming Heaven for you. God Bless you, Kalona.
PS. Call Father Kloster and ask him to pray for you.
Oh wow. Be assured of my prayers!
aine and Kim, thank you so much for praying for me. I know how powerful the prayers of the faithful are.
aine, my oncology appointment is at Wilford Hall, so maybe I'll get to meet some of the wonderful people you met there. I will get in touch with Father, although I'd rather wait until the pathology report comes back so that I know exactly what is going on first.
Thank you all so very much!
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