In comments to yesterday's post,
Angela told me about a new Blessed, Servant of the Divine Mercy, Blessed Stanilaus of Jesus and Mary Papczynski. You can read more about him
If you have the time and inclination, would you please pray the novena for me? Thank you! (Maybe we can move Bl. Stanilaus one step closer to Sainthood and me closer to wellness). :o)
Novena for the Intention of Receiving Gracesthrough the Intercession of Bl. Stanislaus Papczyński.At the beginning of the novena, awaken an intent for needed graces, agreeing to accept God’s will.
FIRST DAYThe Almighty has done great things for me (Lk 1:49)
Lord God Almighty, look upon Your Servant Bl. Stanislaus, who with utmost zeal took upon himself, in the foundation of a Religious Community, the work of spreading the honor of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of Your Son, grant us this grace, that we might continually praise You for the great things You have done for Your Saints and permit us to enter Life in the state of friendship with You and in unsullied chastity.
PRAYER FOR A SPECIAL GRACEGod, our Father, Who in Your unfathomable Providence gave us in Bl. Stanislaus a successful intercessor before Your throne, grant me (us) through his intercession the grace…., for which I (we) beg You, also grant that in accord with his example I (we) may faithfully fulfill Your most holy will. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father...
PRAYER FOR CANONIZATION OF BL. STANISLAUSMost holy and undivided Trinity, You choose to make Your home in the hearts of Your faithful servants, and, after their death, to reward their merits with the glory of heaven. Bring it about, we ask, that Your servant, Bl. Stanislaus, who, enraptured by the mystery of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God, progressed with such fidelity and so sacrificially towards personal sanctity, and who made every effort to introduce and preserve the Kingdom of God in the hearts of his neighbors, be added by the Church without delay to the company of the Saints. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
SECOND DAYHis mercy is from age to age (Lk 1:50)
God, Righteous Judge, look upon Your Servant Bl. Stanislaus who generously and in every way hastened to assist the Souls in Purgatory, grant that we may zealously imitate him in this great work of mercy, especially toward the departed most dear to us and those who most need our spiritual help.
Prayer for a special grace
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father....
Prayer for canonization
THIRD DAYHe has shown might with his arm, dispersed the arrogant of mind and heart (Lk 1:51)
O Jesus, our Redeemer and Master, look upon Your Servant Bl. Stanislaus who used every occasion to proclaim the Word of God and to bring spiritual support to people deprived of pastoral care, grant us the grace that we may attract other people to God through our own word and example of striving for holiness.
Prayer for a special grace
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father....
Prayer for canonization
FOURTH DAYHe has thrown down the rulers from their thrones (Lk 1:52)
Holy Spirit of God, look upon Your Servant Bl. Stanislaus, who throughout his life firmly defended the Catholic faith and showed willingness to witness to it by a martyr’s death, grant us the grace, that we may steadfastly grow in faith and courageously profess it in every moment of life.
Prayer for a special grace
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father....
Prayer for canonization
FIFTH DAYThe hungry he has filled with good things; the rich he has sent away empty (Lk 1:53)
God our Father, look upon Your Servant Bl. Stanislaus who trusting in the help of Your Providence, in spite of many obstacles, by Your inspiration, founded and strengthened, the Congregation of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, grant us the grace, that we may distinguish ourselves by an unyielding trust in Your omnipotence, goodness, and fidelity, especially when You guide us on the difficult road toward the wonderful promises of Your love.
Prayer for a special grace
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father....
Prayer for canonization
SIXTH DAYBlessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy (Mt 5:7)
God, Father of Mercy, look upon Your Servant Bl. Stanislaus whose love for You showed itself most eloquently in his daily and sacrificial practices of works of mercy, grant us the grace that we may always and generously imitate him in the active love of our neighbor.
Prayer for a special grace
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father....
Prayer for canonization
SEVENTH DAYWhoever listens to you, listens to me (Lk 10:16)
Lord, You Who are a faithful God, look upon Your Servant Bl. Stanislaus, who always formed his life and works in a filial submission to the Successor of St. Peter, grant us the grace that we may persevere in our faithfulness to God, the Cross, and the Gospels through our perfect obedience to the Church.
Prayer for a special grace
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father....
Prayer for canonization
EIGHTH DAYBlessed are the poor in spirit, for their is the kingdom of heaven (Mt 5:3)
Lord, You who love us, look upon Your Servant Bl. Stanislaus who freely embraced an austere and mortified life in utmost poverty, so as to give himself to You with all his heart and soul, grant us the grace, that we may courageously resist the craving of money and sinful pleasures, striving for the freedom of spirit in Your truth and love.
Prayer for a special grace
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father....
Prayer for canonization
NINTH DAYTake courage, it is I (Mt 14:27)
God, from Whom everything takes its beginning and to Whom everything returns, look upon Your Servant Bl. Stanislaus who, by the example of his life, gave us a model of total trust in Your holy Providence, grant us the grace that we may confidently place in Your merciful hands our past and future, our whole life, allowing You to lead us along the evangelical road to Your home in heaven.
Prayer for a special grace
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father....
Prayer for canonization
Notice: it is recommended that this novena recited for a particular intention, be complemented by Confession and Holy Communion.
Intercession of Blessed Stanislaus Papczyński
During his lifetime, Fr. Stanislaus Papczyński was regarded by many as a special intercessor before God. Looking at this holy life, permeated with prayer, penance, and the thirst to know God’s will, they became convinced of finding in him an efficient intercessor before God. They often asked him to pray for their intentions, especially in the case of seriously ill people, and they obtained help. According to witnesses’ testimonies, there were even instances of resurrection of dead children during Holy Masses celebrated by Fr. Papczyński.
Numerous graces obtained by people who came to pray at Bl. Stanislaus’s tomb brought him the title of “renowned for miracles.” The Marian Founder was thus described by the Coronation Diet of King Stanislaus Poniatowski in 1764, in its petition to the Holy See for his beatification.
And this hasn’t changed during the past three centuries! In times favorable for the faith in Poland and Europe or in times of persecutions; when his tomb was easily accessible to the faithful or when it remained locked up and deserted, streams of unusual graces kept flowing down on those who recurred to his intercession. What is more, during the last decade one could easily notice the growing devotion to Bl. Stanislaus not only in Poland, but also on the American continent and in Africa.
Testimonies coming from different parts of the world suggest that particular prayerful help was given by Bl. Stanislaus to childless families, women with troubled pregnancy, addicts, dysfunctional families, and children and youth with learning disabilities.
We trust that as a new Blessed, Fr. Stanislaus, always so sensitive to human misery, will become our effective intercessor before God.
Please send information about graces received from God through the intercession of Bl. Stanislaus to:Vice-Postulator of Marian Canonization Causes
Eden Hill, Stockbridge, MA 01262
e-mail: vicepostulator@marian.org