9 AM: I was with Reece and Aubrey while their mommy went to the doctor.
10:30 AM: We went to see Great Gran, who was so happy to see their sweet faces. While we were there, their mommy called to say that the doctor told her the baby has stopped growing and was the same size as she was 2 weeks ago, a little over 4 pounds. Not good news to hear. Baby is still moving around, heart beat is good, but she should still be growing. The doctor has referred mommy to a specialist who will see her on Friday.
11:30 AM: Leaving Great Gran's, she was saying good-bye out in the hallway, watching us leave. When she opened her door to go back inside, Teddy escaped and ran down the hallway the other way. Great Gran was frantically chasing after him. Knowing that it was useless to run after him with Aubrey in my arms and Reece holding my hand, I continued to the car and got them settled in their car seats. I got into the car and drove in the direction Teddy had run, passing Mom on the way. She showed me where Teddy ran. I stopped by the dumpster and made my way through weeds and a drainage ditch to where Teddy was examining something (I hoped not something dead or a snake) in the grass. As I came up behind him he turned and saw me, but (thank you Lord) he stood still. I reached down and snatched him up and gave him a good scolding. He gave me a hangdog look and we returned to the car. I took him back to Mom. She was still standing on the steps to the parking lot, and had not seen me capture Teddy, so when I pulled up she said sadly, "Did he just go on?" I said, "No Mom, here he is." The look on her face when she saw him in the car was worth everything. He was happy to be reunited with her, and probably glad to get away from me as I was ready to clobber him.
12:00 Noonish: The kid's mommy was home from the doctor and daddy home for lunch when we reached their house, so I didn't stay long. I figured they needed some private time. I came home for awhile.
1:30 PM: I picked up Reece, Aubrey and their mommy to take Aubrey to her first physical therapy session. She has a shortened muscle on one side of her neck and holds her head tilted to the side. The therapists are confident that it can be corrected, so we will take her to them every week for the next six months. I'm relieved that the therapy has finally begun. After receiving PT on my shoulder these past few weeks, I've seen firsthand how much good it can do.
3:30 PM: We drove across town, back to daughter-in-law's OB's office so that she could have a stress test done to make sure the baby's heart rate is okay. I waited in the atrium with Reece and Aubrey while she had the test done. It turned out well--baby's heart rate went up and down as it should, and the doctor told Cyrise that the baby is small but well-porportioned. We are still anxious to see what the specialist will say tomorrow.
4:45 PM: We headed for home fighting some rush hour traffic. Ron called to see where I was.
5:15 PM: I dropped off Cyrise and Aubrey and brought Reece home with me to spend the night. He was very sleepy (he only had a couple of catnaps in the car) and still coughing from his chest cold, so not feeling his best but still happy and cheerful. We spent the evening playing, watching videos and Y-Tube (that's what he calls You-Tube), but when it was time for bed, he wanted his mama.
10:00 PM: We called his mama to tell her he wanted to come home. She asked him if he wanted to stay at Gramma's and he said softly, "No." She asked if he wanted to come home, and he said, "Okay." :o) So I took him home and he was glad to be there after a long day.
The end. :o)
Today was a piece of cake. I took Mom to the dentist and we stopped for lunch on the way back to her place. I came home and took a nap. And now I'm going to go plant some stuff in pots.