Friday, May 22, 2009

Four Day Weekend!

There was a low Mass yesterday evening for Ascension Thursday, and Ron and I went. There were not as many people there as on Sundays, but it was still a pretty good turn-out for a week night. I'm sure it was mostly the people who go to daily Mass. There was a rosary after Mass, and those who stayed had obviously prayed it together for a long time. Very nice.

Ron will have a four day weekend. He's off today, and Monday is Memorial Day. He is working in the yard today, edging and mowing.

Kelly and I are going hiking on Sunday. She wants to show me a new rugged new place she discovered to hike, so we're going early on Sunday and taking her dogs. I'll have to go to a different Mass, but want to spend time with her, so I'll probably go to the Novus Ordo Latin Mass Sunday evening.

We're planning a cook-out for Memorial Day Monday. We have a pork tenderloin in the freezer, so we may grill that. I may need to get another one, depending on how many people are here. Not sure yet what else we'll have, but we haven't made ice cream in years, so that might be fun (if I can find the ice cream freezer).

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