I took Mom to the lab today for her blood work, and we stopped to visit Josh, Cyrise and the kids for a little while. The little ones were excited to have visitors. Reece insisted that his Great Gran go into his bedroom to play with cars, and Aubrey has a new little thing she does where she ducks her head and looks up at us shyly. It's so cute! Josh was home for lunch, so we got to see him for a few minutes, too.
After our visit, we had lunch at Biff Buzby's before heading back to Mom's place. It's a fun place to eat--wonderful hamburgers, steak fries, old aircraft decor, twinkly lights and oldies music in the background. On Friday nights the parking lot there is filled with all kinds of cool cars. People from all around bring their cars to show them off, and people from all around come to see them. Josh sometimes takes Reece. I'm sure my car-obsessed little grandson loves it! :o)
Back at Mom's, I took Teddy for a walk and visited with a couple of her neighbors. Everyone loves Teddy already--he's a charmer. He does great when we leave him alone, although today when we got back Mom's back scrubber from her shower was lying in the hallway. :o) He's very playful, and will sometimes go tearing around her apartment as fast as he can, making us laugh. He loves his toys, and enjoys being on the patio.
Mom's next door neighbor brought Teddy a present today, with a note that said, "Welcome to the neighborhood, Teddy." Inside were doggie treats. I thought that was so sweet. Mom is blessed to have really nice neighbors all around her. Her neighbor on the other side brought her some brownies yesterday.
Reece will be here tonight and I can hardly wait. We are going to do a lesson about springtime.