Saturday, August 3, 2013

Just An Update

Dear readers,

This is Kalona's daughter, Kelly, acting as a guest writer to give you an update.  She is hanging in there and surrounded by family and loved ones.  Today I shared with her a new album called "Music for Sound Healing" by Dr. Mitchell Gaynor.  We are listening to it right now and it's making her smile - she is enjoying the songs.  She loves music so much and as soon as she saw Reece this afternoon she wanted him to listen to it as well.  He was just in here loving on her and Sandi and Great Gran just came by to visit.

I just asked her if she wanted to send a message to her blog readers and she said, "Tell them I love them and I'll be praying for them."  She also said, "It's amazing how you make friends on-line."  And she smiled.


Le@h said...

We love you and are praying for you too! <3

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update Kelly. Her cousins in Missouri and Oklahoma have been worried about her since she hasn't posted anything all week. We are praying for all of you.

Stephanie (Pleacher) Mattivi

Adrienne said...

Thank you so much, Kelly. I've been so worried. Tell your mom I love her very much.

Does she like lavender? I've just harvested this years bounty and would love to send her some.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Kelly, My dear sweet Irish, I love you too. I have learned so much from you, thanks. I got on Fr. Moses web page. Oh! what a treat. Moses, he saw the face of God. That thought just lifts my spirits. talk to you later, Karen/Faux

Kelly said...

Thank you for the comments, everyone. And for the prayers for my mom and family. I will try and keep you all updated through this blog and am acting as "Guest Writer" for my mom.

Adrienne, she loves lavender. (: I'm sure she'd be delighted if you sent her some. She will probably want to send you something in return - do you grow holy basil? We try and harvest the seeds each summer so we can plant more next season. It's lovely! I could send you some seeds when the basil bolts. :)

Adrienne said...

I'd love some seeds (but only if you have time.)

Lavender on the way...

Jennifer Mulkey said...

Thank you Kelly for updating us. My prayers continue for your Mom. She is truly an amazing woman. We both thought we had cancer around the same time, I had already had a fight with breast cancer. Turns out this last time, mine wasn't and hers was. Then my Mom got really sick. Your mother was so incredibly kind to me during the hardest time of my life to that point. I will be eternally grateful for her love and friendship. Tell her hi for me, and I continue to pray for all of you, and tell her thank you for her prayers, I can always use them :) Hugs.

mcnorman said...

Thank you for leaving us with a piece of your heart Kalona.