Friday, July 12, 2013


Wednesday night we had more visitors arrive.  My daughter-in-law's sister, Suzanne, drove in from the Houston area with my granddaughter Ahlyssa and Suzanne's daughter, Kayleigh.  They stayed in a hotel nearby.

Suzanne is a family member by marriage, but we have always felt like family.  She is remarkable, raising her five children and working as a nurse at a hospital in Houston.  

Like Becky, she took charge of the little grands on Thursday. She took Reece, Aubrey, Camryn and Lily to Chuck E. Cheese for the afternoon.  Then they went to the hotel for awhile.  All of them had a blast.  They were gone for hours, giving Cyrise a rare break from the kids.  

Suzanne went shopping Thursday night and got all the ingredients for beef vegetable soup.  The beef cooked all night last night in the crockpot, and she came over this morning to add the veggies and barley.  I had some for lunch with a King's Hawaiian roll, and it is delicious.  I feel so totally loved and pampered.  :o)

Suzanne left this morning, taking Kayleigh and Lily with her.  Lily has been here with her daddy for the past few weeks.  I'll miss her, but I'm sure she's ready to see Mommy and her brothers.  Jason is still here, and Ahlyssa stayed, too.

So, I have been given the gift of so much love and caring this week, and it has meant the world to me.  I'm glad that loved ones are coming to see me while I'm still feeling okay, so that we can spend time together.  So far this process I'm going through has been one of the most beautiful, peaceful, loving experiences of my life.  God is so good.


  1. Sounds like you've had a lot of visitors. Well get ready because I am leaving Sunday AM with possibly 2 grandkids. :0) We may spend the night with Sandi or Kori and then drive on the next day. I will let you know! We will stay until Friday, I would stay longer if the little stubborn ones didn't insist on coming :0)If Allie could bug she would be coming too! See you soon. XOXO

  2. Whoo hoo! Can't wait! I'm so glad that you will be here. And with Grands! See you soon. Love.
