Friday, July 12, 2013



I've been having a busy and wonderful week.

On Tuesday, my BFF from Missouri flew down to see us.  Her name is Becky, and there is no one in the world so sweet.  She stayed until Thursday.  My grandchildren fell in love with her immediately, and she took charge of them the very day she arrived, taking them with her to her hotel and letting them explore.

On Wednesday, she spent the whole day cooking in my kitchen.  She helped Lily make snickerdoodles, then she made chocolate Reece's cookies.  Then, she made her mom's famous, delicious lasagna for us.  We had it with garlic bread, salad, and a strawberry jello salad for supper that night.  It was sooooo good!

And, she made these fantastic desserts called peach bombs.  They are simply whole peaches wrapped in pie dough.  After they baked to a golden brown, she poured a syrup flavored with almond extract over them.  I've never had anything quite like them.  They are absolutely delightful.

When I became a Christian back in the early 1980's, it was because the Holy Spirit used Becky in my life.  You can read more about that in my conversion story.  The link is on my side bar.  He is still using her in my life.  Our friendship is eternal.

Thank you, my dear, dear friend, for everything.  I am so grateful for our time together this week.  Love you forever!

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