We can't figure out why my red blood count is low. I don't seem to have internal bleeding, but my body is not making red cells as it should. My blood sugar readings are improved, so maybe the high sugars had something to do with it?
After one week at home, Ron is once again out of town. This time he will be gone for nearly 3 weeks. Too long. :o( We talk to him every night, but that's not the same.
Reece and I went to Gran's this afternoon. We made her some lunch, and while she and Reece played in her bedroom, I baked her some brownies. We brought a few home for the little girls.
They were testing the smoke alarms and fire extinguishers at Gran's apartment complex today, and Reece was fascinated when the alarms kept going off. He played "fire alarm" for the rest of the afternoon with Aubrey.
I enjoyed the day. I watched Josh and the kids swim and play. The hummers were very active, chasing each other around and visiting the feeders every few minutes. The puppies came outside and loved on me, sitting on the patio with me for awhile. Our trees are full of locusts, and every now and then they would all start their loud "singing." I love that sound; it reminds me of childhood summers.
In the evening, Josh grilled some steaks and Cyrise made salad and baked potatoes to go with them. Yum! I'm hoping lean red beef will help me make red cells. While he was cooking, Josh had his Iphone on the Kicker, playing the Vince Gill channel on Pandora. My kind of music. :o)
After dinner, Reece and I went for a walk. I haven't been walking with him for over a year, since the cauda equina syndrome began. We wanted to look for deer and fireflies. We saw two deer, a male and a female, but it must be too late in the year for fireflies. My lower body is still numb and tingly, but I'm able to walk fairly well, and had no trouble on our walk.
The deer were so pretty. When we saw them we stopped and stood very still. The male saw us and stared and stared, trying to figure out what we were. Then he started walking toward us! He would walk a little toward us, then stop and look for awhile. One of us moved, and they were gone in a flash. Reece was delighted that we saw them. Me too!
It was time for the girls to go to bed when we got back. I read to them and sang them some songs. Reece has been staying up later, so he is in here with me, having a snack and watching cartoons.
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