I'm planning to take Mom to the nursery to buy her a patio tomato plant or two, and some flowers. I ran out of shopping time yesterday. I like giving her plants for Mother's Day. When she lived in Kansas, Johnnie used to always plant the little flower bed along the front porch for her for Mother's Day. Mom loves flowers.
Ron and I went shopping for flooring for our family room yesterday. I've been wanting to pull out the carpet in there for years, and we're finally going to do it! Josh's friend Chris has put down flooring in his mom's house and in his house, and Josh helped him with some of it, so they are going to put ours down, too. We got all the flooring and trim and the stuff needed to install it. I'm excited! The pic in this post is from the Lumber Liquidator site and shows the floor we chose. I like it because it's handscraped to look old, and I love the dark wood. If it gets banged up, it won't really matter because it's already "distressed." :o)
Josh and Cyrise took Reece, Aubrey and Camryn to the park last night to watch a movie. The city furnished popcorn and drinks and showed the movie Rio. They didn't stay for the whole thing because the kids were exhausted, but they all had fun. They came home all happy and excited, and went to bed over an hour past their bedtime.
I made a banana cream pie yesterday. It took me forever. I made the crust in the morning, and it was supposed to chill for 4 hours or longer. So I stuck it in the fridge until evening. I baked the crust, then made the filling while it cooled. I used my mother-in-law's recipe. She always made the best pies, and banana cream was our family favorite. She would always make them for us when we went to Wichita or if she came to visit us. I also used her recipe for the meringue, and it turned out so pretty. I had a piece of the pie last night, and the girls asked for some this morning. But this morning, after a night covered in the fridge, the pie looked awful! The filling got runny and the meringue shrank. It still tasted good, but it's ugly! Cammie liked it, but Aubrey took one look at it and turned up her nose. She wouldn't even taste it. :o)
Better get a move on! Happy Mother's Day to all my sweet readers.
You're going to love your floor. This is our third house and in every one the first thing I did was rip up the carpet and lay parquet floor. Carpet is about the filthiest thing every invented.
Now I vacuum and ever so often run a slightly damp string mop over it. Easy peasy...
Adrienne, I'm with you on the nastiness of carpet. With Josh's family living here, there is no way to keep it clean. It looks disgusting! I'm glad to know that your floors are easy to clean. That was my main worry--that the upkeep would be hard.
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