Thursday, October 27, 2011

Blue Angels, PET Scan, Cheddars

There will be an air show this weekend at Randolph AFB, near where we live. The famous Blue Angels will be featured at the show.

They have arrived, and have been flying around today. They're so LOUD! They have flown right over our house several times, and I rush to look out the window every time.

I put the little girls down for their naps, but there's not much chance that they are asleep. The noise of the planes is very exciting. I told them that the planes might fly over and make loud sounds, but they were to stay in bed and try to go to sleep.

I wonder if Reece and his classmates got a chance to see the Angels while they were at recess today. I'm sure the noise interrupted their schoolwork.

I had my PET/CT scan yesterday morning, and should have the results tomorrow--Monday for sure. I've been feeling okay, so I hope the scan shows no cancer. I have an appointment with my "new" doctor next week on Thursday.

That cold front has not quite reached us yet, but we're supposed to have a 30 degree temperature drop later today. It's 79 degrees right now. I'm praying for rain.

Kelly came by yesterday to pick up Gran's meds. I went with her to Gran's, and then we went out to lunch. They built a new Cheddar's near us recently, and it's always busy for dinner, but it wasn't bad at lunch time. We both had a lunch combo of loaded baked potatoes and Caesar salad. It came with a yummy roll, and I had mango tea with mine. Kelly had mango lemonade. It's always fun to spend time with Kel, and I had such a nice afternoon.

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