Reece and I took Papa to the airport Sunday afternoon. He will be back on Friday.
I had my CT scan yesterday morning. Don't know the results yet. I did talk to my doctor on Monday, and he said my lab results from May 31 looked good--nothing out of the ordinary. I've had a deep chest cough for about a week, and told the doctor about that. He said he will be able to see what's going on when he sees the scan, even better than a chest x-ray. I seem to get this every now and then, and suspect that it's just something going around.
It's been hot and we've spent hours in the pool. Reece never wants to get out. He and Aubrey are doing great at going underwater and holding their breath. He loves to glide out to me, but he is stuck on that and won't go to the next step of moving his arms and legs to actually swim. Cammie was going underwater with no problem a few days ago, but now she doesn't want to do it. Sometimes she screams like a little tea kettle, and I'd just love to plunge her little screaming head underwater.
I've been reading some old books. I'd never read Madeleine L'Engle's A Wind In The Door, so I read that. Then another of the kids fantasy books turned up, Pawn Of Prophecy by David Eddings, so I read that. There are more in that series, but I don't know if we have them in the house. I'll have to look. Now I'm re-reading Running With The Demon, the first in a three book series by Terry Brooks of Shannara fame. Classic good versus evil and summer escapism reading.
Hope you're having a peaceful, relaxing summer.
If you've read Pawn of Prophecy than you MUST read the next 4 and then the next series that follows (5 more books) but they aren't as good as the Belgariad. I'd just lend you our copies but they are a mess from being read and re-read so many times. No covers, missing pages....
The next four titles are Queen of Sorcery, Magician's Gambit, Castle of Wizardry and Enchanter's End Game. If they aren't in the house you can probably pick them up used for next to nothing, they've been around for ages.
Prayers for a good outcome on the test. Again, you're kept in constant prayer.
Love the grands. They are soooo precious.
K, I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series. Have to find out what happens to Garion. :o) If we don't have the books here, one of the kids probably has them.
Thank you, Sarah. I'm so grateful for your continued prayers.
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