We had a nice Sunday. Josh brought Gina over around 11:30 AM and we kept her until around 4 PM, but she slept most of the time. I fed her about noon, and played with her for awhile, then she fell asleep and didn't wake up until her daddy came to get her. She is incredibly sweet.
Ron and I went to Our Lady of Atonement for Mass in the evening. The Sunday evening Mass there is always a novus ordo Mass, but in Latin. It is very reverent and beautiful. The priest and altar servers come down to the middle of the nave to read the gospel, and there are clouds of incense. I always wonder if we smell like incense when we leave. The schola chants their parts of the Mass from the choir loft. I really love going to Mass there.
Today was quiet and uneventful. I went to Mom's, then stopped at the thrift store. I found a little red fleece coat, two pair of jeans and a pair of denim crop pants, and two long sleeved pullover shirts for Aubrey. She has outgrown most of her clothes. I love finding brand name clothes still in great condition for the grands. I have to look through an awful lot of junk, but I almost always find a few treasures. The little coat will come in handy; it's supposed to get cold here again by tomorrow or Wednesday. It was 80 degrees here yesterday, and 78 today.
I made pork chops, "fried" sweet potato chips (tossed thin slices of sweet potato in a little oil, seasoned, then baked them in the oven), and peas for supper. Pretty yummy. :o)
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