Still have very low WBC, so no stem cell harvest today. I don't think it will be tomorrow, either, but they are having me go in early just in case. If my counts are perfect over the weekend, they will have to call someone in to the apheresis clinic, and I hate to be the one to spoil someone's weekend. My body seems to be recovering more slowly this time; or maybe it just seems slow because I am so ready to get on with this.
It's been really hot, and we need rain! I have the sprinkler going in the back tonight. Need to go move it.
Sister had half a dried up toad in her mouth this evening. Gag. I don't even want to know what happened to the other half. She kept trying to get Katy to chase her, but Kate wasn't interested. I don't blame her!
Josh brought me beef curry and rice that Cyrise had made for supper. It was so good. Thanks, kids! I sent cinnamon muffins home with him. I told him he could take some to work with him for breakfast. He is still liking his new job. :o)
I'm going to finish watching this movie, turn off the water outside and go to bed. I've listened to my chant CD every night and always fall asleep before it ends. It helps me pray, and it totally relaxes me. Thank you, Julia. :o)
Just found your blog..thanks to Sarah at Prayer 4 the Journey..I've been reading your story..God Bless your heart..You are an inspiration
I will add you to my prayers.
Hi Dawn, thank you for visiting, and most of all thank you for your prayers. Sarah is such a sweetheart!
I'm glad you like the CD. :) I hope the seminarians and Sisters who recorded it know how great it is. (I might be visiting those sisters in Italy before too long.)
I've been praying to St Therese for you. She has a nice shrine/side altar at my church and had many health problems, so it seemed like a nice match. Tomorrow we have devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help, and I will offer all of those prayers for you, too!
Julia, I'm so excited that you might be visiting the sisters in Italy! Maybe someday you will be singing along with them on a CD. :o)
I love St. Therese. Thank you for asking for her intercession for me. I truly appreciate all of your prayers and support.
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