I came out to put the puppies inside, and it felt so pleasant I decided to sit outside for a bit. They, however, are inside, enjoying the cool air and their crate.
I had to go to Wilford Hall for labs and a picc dressing change this morning. I thought for sure I'd have to stay for a transfusion because of the way I've been feeling, but my doctor said I didn't need one today and that he will see me on Wednesday. I felt bad enough yesterday that I stayed home from Mass. I think I overdid on Saturday when Reece was here. I just don't have the energy and stamina that I had only a few months ago. I was glad I didn't need to stay at the hospital all day. The nurse said my red count was okay, and my white count is very low.
I stopped at Mom's and she was busy cleaning spots on her carpet and doing laundry. We wrote out a grocery list for her and I made her some lunch. We also did a little inventory of her dressy clothes. She said she needed clothes for Mass. I think most of her nice slacks were in the washer so she couldn't find them, but maybe we can go shopping this weekend. It's always fun to have something new to wear. Sandi is planning to come visit, and she likes to shop. :o)
There is a cardinal singing in our neighbor's yard. He sounds so cheery! Cardinals always remind my sisters and me of our dad, who loved them. To hear one singing is almost like hearing a "hi" from my dad.
Guess I'll go clean up my kitchen. I ignored the mess all weekend and can't stand it any longer.
Hope you're having a great Monday!
Hi Kalona,
This week I went to a healing Mass with Father Martin Scott here in San Antonio. He will be visiting here again in November for the Divine Mercy Conference. I recommend you go - you will find him so uplifting.
p.s. On another note does anyone know where Father Kloster is now that he's not at St. Pius?
Hi! I loved the pictures of Reese. The red fox - pretty amazing. Wonder how he got in your yard and then into the pool. It does look like a fox to me. You look so cute in your denim hat! Loved to see you smiling so big too. I'm looking forward to seeing you this weekend. I'm still not at 100% but close. Hope that by the weekend it's completely gone. I love you! Hugs, Sandi
Hi Anonymous, I had heard about Fr. Scott being here and thought about going, but it didn't work out. Thank you for letting me know about November. I'll certainly try to make it to that!
Fr. Kloster is still working at the VA hospital, I believe. I miss him so much. Do you attend St. Pius X?
Hi Sandi, Reece pictures make me happy. :o) He is such a wonderful little guy.
The fox came in through a hole in the fence. I think Ron startled him when he went out the side door of the garage with some pool cleaning equipment, and he ran into the yard and wound up in the pool. So weird.
I had to send back a couple of caps I ordered from headcovers.com because they were too small, and I substituted the denim hat and another one for the ones I sent back. I like them a lot better than what I ordered the first time. Good coverage. :o)
I'm glad you're getting better! We are looking forward to seeing you, too. Did you go to the doctor? Are you on meds? Take care of yourself! Love you.
My dad has a serious love of birds, more so than me, but I get my love of them from him! Thankfully, I can still chat him up on the phone and get updates on his bird house building. He builds out of cedar and brass parts . . . paints them and donates them to their Catholic Church for their fund raising. . . so cute of him to do this, but he loves it.
You look beautiful in this picture.
Who would be able to be still with those cute grandkids around? Take it easy, though, yeah?
Much love and blessings to you and yours.
Hi Sarah, thank you!
Your dad sounds like a really great guy! I got my love of birds from my dad, too.
I've been resting a lot the past few days. I hate not being able to do the things I've always done, though. But yeah, I'll be careful. :o) Hugs!
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