The next day he had his Great Gran knocking down cobwebs in her bedroom with a towel covered broom. He would spot them, point them out to her, and she would sweep them away. They are such a funny pair.
It's a cold, rainy day. I had to dry the puppies with towels when they came in from outside. I gave them baths a few days ago because they reeked. They were so funny after their baths, smelling each other to see if the other girl smelled like strawberries, too. I bathed them in the grand's strawberry shortcake bath wash. So they have a bit of wet dog smell, with an undercurrent of strawberry.
Nothing much going on this week so far. When the weather is like this I feel like hibernating. I shouldn't complain, though, since we don't have the kind of weather they are experiencing in the north. Even Dallas is getting snow!
I'm back from Mom's. I made her some brownies while I was over there, because on a cold, wet day baking seems the thing to do, right? She loves sweets.
I was going to stop and pick up a few things I forgot on my last grocery shopping trip, but I just wanted to come straight home once I started driving. I may go this evening if it stops raining.
I made a salad for my lunch--spring greens, apple chunks, dried cranberries, walnuts, sliced leftover chicken and raspberry vinegarette dressing. Yum!
Stay warm and cozy.
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