It's been a beautiful day, blue skies, wispy white clouds, warm temperatures.
I am thankful...
for all our blessings, especially our children and grandchildren.
I am wearing...
black yoga pants, purple tee, bare feet.
I am remembering...
my childhood buddy, Tuffy, a little golden cocker spaniel.
I am going...
I've been to Mom's and that's all today.
I am reading...
Birds and Blooms magazine.
On my mind...
I'm exasperated because when we switched cell phone companies I thought our 2 year contract was up. It wasn't (until February), and we were charged an outrageous cancellation fee--for each line! :o( I talked to the customer service rep, but there is nothing we can do about it. However, we won't ever go back to T-Mobile again.
From the learning rooms...
Still on the "out to eat" unit.
Pondering these words...
Jesus, I trust in You.
I love the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
From the kitchen....
I need to lose some weight and am trying to watch my calories. I had yogurt and some Ritz crackers for breakfast (190 calories), and chicken and sausage gumbo soup (Campbell's) for lunch (200 calories). And a graham cracker for a snack. (I'll have to look up the calorie count on that). Thinking a salad will be good for supper.
Around the house...
it seems a little bare and dull without all the Christmas decorations.
One of my favorite things...
From my picture album...

Blueberry Pie
5 C blueberries
1 C sugar
6 T cornstarch
1/4 t salt
1 t cinnamon
1 T butter
pie dough--enough for a double crust pie.
Mix the sugar, cornstarch, salt and cinnamon together. Pour the mixture over the blueberries and toss to coat. Pour the blueberry mixture into the bottom crust. Dot the filling with bits of butter. Cut strips of pie dough to make a lattice top. Crimp edges. Bake at 400° for 50 to 60 minutes.
Please visit Peggy to read more daybooks.
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