cold and clear. We had very strong winds a few days ago that finally blew most of the leaves off the trees (except for the live oaks--they lose their leaves in the spring). It looks like winter now--ugly.
I am thankful...
for the Novus Ordo Mass in Latin at Atonement on Sunday evenings. We went last night, and it was beautiful, as always. I love that church so much. I wish it was closer to us!
I am wearing...
dark blue jeans, brown smock top, soft orange shawl, black socks. I had to take the trash out this morning, so I threw on whatever was handy. :o)
I am remembering...
the year I had pneumonia during Christmas. I was sick for a month, and was so very relieved to be well again when it was over. So grateful to be healthy this year!
I am going...
to wrap more gifts, do some laundry, get the spare bedrooms ready for guests, do a little picking up and cleaning, and go to Mom's.
I am reading...
I started reading Whatever Happened To Penny Candy by Richard J. Maybury last week, but didn't get very far. Too much to do during Christmas week, and I'll be busy this week, too.
On my mind...
found out yesterday that Jason and his family will be here on Wednesday, so there will be more Christmas celebrations when they arrive. As we were driving to Mom's yesterday, I was thinking how glad I am to be Catholic, and to know that Christmas day was just the beginning of Christmas. I am going to treasure each beautiful day of the twelve days of Christmas.
From the learning rooms...
Nothing formal for the next couple of weeks. Reece will have his dental work done tomorrow, his cousins will be here on Wednesday, and I'll likely go to Florida with Ron next week, although I'm still ambivalent about that.
Pondering these words...
On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me--four calling birds...
Today is the fourth day of Christmas. Traditionally, the four calling birds are symbols of the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which proclaim the Good News of God's reconciliation of the world to Himself through Jesus Christ.
From the kitchen....
I think we'll have brisket when the kids are here, and I found a recipe for a black russian cake that sounds delicious. Cookie baking and candy making will begin this week, when all the grandkids are here.
Around the house...
it still looks like Christmas. I have a pile of sheets and towels to fold, more laundry to move from washer to dryer, some floors to vacuum, spare rooms to make up for guests.
One of my favorite things...
the "talking" sounds the puppies make. :o)
From my picture album...

It is because Herod believed the words of the Magi and of the high priests whom he consulted that he sees a rival in the Infant of Bethlehem and with jealousy pursues the Child, born King of the Jews. It is this God-King that the Innocents by dying confess. Their passion is the exaltation of Christ.
The Roman Missal, 1962
Then Herod, perceiving that he was deluded by the wise men, was exceedingly angry, and sending killed all the men children that were in Bethlehem and in all the borders thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremias the Prophet, saying: A voice in Rama was heard, lamentation and great mourning: Rachel bewailing her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.
Matthew 2
Is that not the saddest thing ever? All those little baby boys, killed by the wicked King Herod who hoped that by killing them, he would kill Jesus. It breaks my heart.
Please pray for the Holy Innocents and all of the little ones who are killed in these days, before they even have a chance to be born. They are also Innocents who do not deserve to die. I believe that God's wrath will be great because of abortion. This has got to stop.
(You can see more daybooks at Peggy's site. Click here to visit).
Your picture is beautiful. I remember when I had that at Christmas one year. Bad thing to have. Doylene
Hi Doylene, and thank you for coming by my blog. Yes, pneumonia is bad news and I hope neither of us ever has to deal with that again.
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