Outside my window...
the sky looks like a watercolor, all pink and pale blue. The sun has gone down, but it's still a little bit light outside. The bats from the nearby bat cave are flying over. They change their course around the end of July or the first of August, and fly right over our house. Today's daybook will be the evening version.
I am thinking...
about politics, the economy, healthcare reform, and how the current administration hates to hear what the people have to say about it all. Some senators are hiding from their constituents, having cyber townhalls, or phone-in townhalls rather than face the anger of the people.
about the safety of my mom at her apartment complex. They've hired a security guard because there have been some crimes there lately. It's such a shame that some people think the elderly are easy prey. We may have to consider moving her out of there.
about Fr. Corapi saying that in the end we will all be either in heaven or in hell. I already knew that, but for some reason it was like a dart to my heart. I have been praying extra hard for my children and loved ones lately (and for myself). We Catholics are so blessed to have the Sacraments.
I am thankful...
Thank you God, for everything. (From a prayer from my childhood).
Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you God for everything.
From the kitchen...
Cherries, strawberries and peaches.
I am wearing...
peacock blue sleeveless blouse, brown linen slacks, bare feet, ponytail, CZ earrings.
I am creating...
knitted mop covers and dishcloths.
I am going...
last night I went grocery shopping for Mom and picked up a few things for me, too. This morning I took her groceries to her, we went to Adoration, then had lunch at Earl Abel's. Monday is Flaky Turkey Turnover day--yum! She loves going out to lunch.
I am hearing...
the AC humming inside, the locusts singing outside.
Around the house...
I've been paper sorting. I hate the amount of paper that comes into the house. It's always out of control! I'm not finished and dread starting again. I've also done some closet cleaning. I put a big bag of stuff out for the Disabled American Veterans to pick up.
One of my favorite things...
Ave Maria. (Click the double lines to turn off my playlist player).
A few plans for the rest of the week...
I see the endocrinologist in the morning, Aubrey's PT is in the afternoon. Some time in between I'll go to Mom's. Reece will spend the night tomorrow night. Ron will be home on Friday. After three weeks away, he is looking forward to coming home!
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...

Today (August 10) is the Feast Day of St. Laurence, Martyr.
St. Laurence was a deacon of St. Sixtus II, Pope and martyr. When the prefect of Rome arrested him, he distributed the possessions of the Church to the poor to save them from confiscation. He was slowly roasted to death on a gridiron A.D. 258.
(The Roman Missal, 1962)
You might like to read the daybooks of other bloggers at Peggy's Summer Daybook.
Thanks for sharing. Knitted map covers. Sounds like a good idea. Are you using a pattern?
Rosemary, my daughter got the pattern at Michael's--one of those freebies they have hanging on the shelves. It's from Lily Sugar 'n Cream yarn. I'm on my way out right now, but will post the directions tonight. It's actually called a Knit Duster Cover, and fits on one of the Swiffer mops.
Thanks for sharing your daybook entry...I loved it! Crocheted mop covers sound great...if only I knew more than one stitch and how to read a pattern....ha ha! Sounds like you have a full heart for those around you. Your mother is blessed to have such a devoted daughter. Have a great week!
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