Ever have that vague, uneasy feeling for no good reason? That's how I feel tonight. Like something is wrong, but I don't know what it is.
Reece spent the night last night. Josh brought him over yesterday afternoon, and it was a joy to see him. He was excited to show me his newest
Cars car, DJ (or is it Deejay). And his daddy got him a bigger Mack, so he can now put Lightning McQueen inside the trailer. We spent most of the evening playing
Cars. We got into the pool, but after only 15 or 20 minutes, he wanted to go inside to play with his cars. I think his daddy is enjoying adding to the growing collection, too. :o)
We did go for a walk, which Reece always enjoys. As we came to the corner where we turn to go to my house, he protested, saying, "Go that way!" He wanted to go around another block rather than go home. I said, "Okay," and he stepped up onto the sidewalk and continued walking, about 3 feet in front of me. I was watching his sturdy little body and thinking how cute he looked and he said, without turning around, "I wove you" out of the blue. He sounded just like his daddy did when he was Reece's age. Oh my goodness--my heart melted on the spot. I said, "I love you, too." And we continued walking, but I think I was walking on air. He is such a sweet, wonderful little boy.
When I took him home this morning, Aubrey was delighted to see me. I sat down on the floor and she came crawling to me as fast as she could, pulled herself up and plopped down in my lap, smiling her enchanting smile. She is a honey, too. It makes a gramma happy to feel all that love. :o) I didn't see Camryn as she was asleep.
After going to Mom's, I drove to Kelly's and spent the afternoon with her. We went out to lunch, then shopping at Michaels. We always have fun together, even when we don't do anything special. She liked her birthday gifts, delivered a few days late.
I left the puppies outside because I didn't want to leave them in their kennel for as long as I knew I'd be gone. It was very hot again today, but they had plenty of water, shade and they get in the pool on the top step to cool off. In fact, when I got home, that's where they were. :o) They were very happy to see me! That's the longest I've ever left them outside on their own.
This evening I watched Criminal Minds on TV, knitted a bit, had leftovers for dinner, talked with Ron (he calls every night), and now I'm here. With that weird, uneasy feeling, even after a very good day.
I haven't prayed Night Prayers (Compline) lately. I think I will tonight.
Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake, we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in his peace (alleluia). Amen