Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Day In The Life

Yesterday I stopped at the thrift store on the way home from Mom's, still on a basket search. I found one that will do until I find a bigger one. It's to hold Reece and Aubrey's small toys when doing a quick pick-up of their living room. Baby #3 will be here in less than 2 months, and Cyrise has been busy getting the second bedroom organized. I'm so excited to meet our 7th grandchild!

I found a cute red and black skirt at the thrift store to wear to church. I think it will look nice with a black top, black shoes and my black mantilla. And I bought a couple of capri length pants, both good brands hardly worn, and another little dress for Aubrey. My only other purchase was a pair of Killian Red beer glasses. Aubrey's dress was 1/2 price (white tags were 50% off), and I got a 30% discount for "Seniors Day." What a deal! :o)

When I got home there was a message on my answering machine saying my eyeglasses were in, so I went over and got them. Vision-wise they are perfect, but it will take me some time to get used to the progressive lenses. I like how light they are--rimless frames and lightweight non-glare lenses.

Reece was here last night and went with me to Mom's this morning. I dropped him off at his house, went to PT, then back to watch him and Aubrey while their Mom went to her doctor appointment. Aubrey napped most of the time I was there, only waking up when her daddy got home after 4 PM. Reece and I played with Play-Doh and toys and read books while she slept.

I got home just before Ron did. We had KFC for dinner and I watched Criminal Minds while he worked in the garage. He's making himself a workbench, which will make his woodworking projects much easier to accomplish!

Someone is interested in buying Mom's house in Kansas, and has made a couple of offers which we have countered. Please send up a prayer that they accept our last counter-offer. Thanks!

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