Father Kim was an amazing man. His life story would make a good movie. He probably never dreamed when he was a little boy in Korea that he would someday be a priest in America. God does work in wonderful ways.
You can read Father's obituary here. There are news articles here and here.
Our Archbishop Jose Gomez presided at the Mass, and there were many, many priests in attendance. At the end of the Mass they (the priests) sang the Salve Regina in Latin. It was very beautiful sung a cappella in all those bass voices.
Pray for us, Father Kim, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Réquiem ætérnam dona ei Dómine; et lux perpétua lúceat ei. Requiéscat in pace. Amen.
During this past week, our family was blessed by an incredible display of generosity and appreciation at your parish. It honored our father's memory. - The Kim Family
Thank you, peekay. Your father truly was loved by everyone who knew him.
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