A blue jay making a racket in the live oak tree in our back yard, blue skies, fluffy white clouds, green trees. It's a pretty day, but hot.
I am thinking...
that Ron is probably in Colorado by now. He just got home Wednesday evening after two and a half weeks away, and flew out again today. This time he will only be gone until Thursday, though.
I am thankful for...
the time I got to spend with Jason and his family.
From the kitchen...
Cool Mint Oreos.
I am wearing...
Blue and black plaid capris, a black top, bare feet.
I am creating...
Still working on Aubrey's blanket. I keep starting over. I hate circular needles.
I am going...
Nowhere. I've already done my running around for today.
I am reading...
A Southern Living Cookbook.
I am hoping...
that the transmission is not going out in my car.
I am hearing...
the sound of silence.
Around the house...
sheets and towels to be washed after the kid's visit, carpets to be vacuumed and floors to be mopped. I'm in no hurry. :o)
One of my favorite things...
the smell of bread baking.
A few plans for the rest of the week...
Plant my onion sets, pepper plant and tomato for my fall garden.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...

Visit Peggy at The Simple Woman to join other bloggers sharing their daybooks.
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