Reece spent the night with me Saturday, but I miss having him here day to day.
The new front door is installed and the inside is finished and looks beautiful. The house painter said that he will paint the outside, since he is doing all of the trim, but so far he has not finished painting the body of the house, much less started on the trim. I'm praying for patience and charity.
Mom and I went to the Ascension Thursday Mass at St. Pius, and to the regular TLM on Sunday. I bought a 1962 Missal, but forgot to take it with me. :o\ The church has the red Latin-English Booklet Missal though, which is very nice. I love reading the margin notes, which explain why the priest does what he does, and give basic instructions on the rubrics. I rarely lose my place, now. :oD Mass is one place where I feel perfectly at peace.
The prayer before the Introit in my new Missal, for the Sunday after the Ascension says: Let us, like the Apostles gathered together, prepare in prayer for the holy Day of Pentecost; let us pray, as the Church prescribes, for the return of heretics to unity.
Great prayer. :o)
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