Monday, August 5, 2013

Jesus, I Trust In You.

Dear family, friends, and readers,

Here is Kalona's daughter with a guest blog post:

With regret I am writing to let you know that in the early morning hours my Mom passed away in her sleep today.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
You may know her as Sharon, or Kalona, and maybe her handle as "Irish".  She was a November baby and grew up in Oklahoma and Kansas.  She completed elementary and high school as well as two years of college before she married my Dad.  They raised three children and enjoy the love and laughter of eight grandbabies.  We will miss her and will be celebrating her life and passing at a rosary and then a traditional latin mass held by Father Moses of Jesus.  Details of the day and time of the ceremony are pending.  I want to thank everyone for their continued prayers and for the outpouring of love.



  1. Kelly, I'm so incredibly sorry for you loss.. for Ron's loss.. for our lost. Though we never had the chance to meet in person, I considered her a very dear friend. She was loved by so many and will be missed by all.

    I will keep her and the family in my prayers.

    J. M.

  2. Kelly, our sincere sympathy to you, your dad, and Jason and Josh. You may not remember me, but my kids, Brandon and Casey and I visited your family shortly after you moved to St Louis. My husband Jerry worked with your dad at the Craft Shop. Your Aunt Johniie told me about your mom's battle against cancer about a year ago, and I have been following her blog since that time. Your mom was a wonderful example of the many roles a woman plays - daughter, wife, mother, and grandmother. Her love for her family and her faith was so evident in her writing. I am sure it will bring you comfort in the days ahead. Carol LIebst

  3. I am so sorry to hear about Sharon/Kalona. She was such a sweet, dear person. I first met her on the internet via a Catholic message board about 8 years ago, but got together with her in person several times. First we met for lunch, later we went on a Catholic church tour together, and she came to my house a few times. She supported me as I converted to Catholicism and gave my children gifts at their First Communion. I moved from Texas and we weren't in touch as much as before, but she has always been special to me, and I will really miss her. She was a wonderful person, and anyone who knew her was very blessed.

  4. So sorry for your loss Kelly and to all your family. Thanks for letting us know and keeping the blog updated. Continued prayers for you and for Kalona's soul.

  5. Dear Sharon (for I know you can hear me),

    Please keep us all in your prayers - as we will for you. You brought much happiness to the world and we will miss you.

    Your box of lavender is sitting on the sideboard to be taken to the PO today. I will send it anyway as a reminder to your family how many people you touched in the blogosphere.

    Love you...

  6. All my love and prayers. I'll be at both rosary and Mass. Rest in peace my sweet friendm I will miss you!

  7. RIP, Irish
    Your friendship will be missed by many


  8. I'm so sorry. I have been away from reading, and just saw this. I am ashamed that I have been away so long.
    My heart is with you, as I weep, and remember her prayers, her words of encouragement and her long distance friendship.
    May she rest in peace; I know she will.
