Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Today, the most wonderful priest came to our house.  I had met him once, as he does the Traditional Latin Mass at our church now.  But I've missed Mass so much over the past couple of years, I didn't really know him. 

I called to see if he would come to see me for Confession, Communion and Anointing of the Sick.  He did all that and so much more, and he used the Traditional liturgy that I love.  We talked and talked.  He blessed my room with holy water.  He invited the whole family in to see the anointing, and all of us thought he was the perfect priest for me at this time.  He is awesome!  My sins are forgiven, I received Christ and the anointing, and now I feel awesome!  I love love love being Catholic. 

Thank you, My Lord and My God, for the blessings you have given me, and please bless Father Moses of Jesus now and always.  Amen


  1. How wonderful!!! I'm so happy for you.

    I dropped something in the mail to you today and am praying I had the correct address. H's computer is in the shop and so I couldn't access his data base.

    If you feel up to it drop me and email and I'll tell you the address I used.


  2. So glad you got an anointing and received Jesus Kalona. I keep on seeing what a wonderful gift the Catholic faith is and the sacraments too. God is so good to us.

  3. He's awesome, and so are you! I'm glad I was there to meet Father Moses. Love you!

  4. I wish that everyone in the world could feel the grace that we receive from confession. There is no other feeling like it. The greatest was receiving holy communion right after confession. WOW! What a concept. I am going to talk to my priest and ask him---- Why can't we receive communion right after confession. The priest hears our confessions and after saying our penance, we receive communion.Double WOW. I love you loving being a Catholic. Karen/Fauxpetals

  5. I am so glad you met Fr. Moses!! Isn't he wonderful?? He is such a kind, gentle soul and I am so so happy that he is able to be with you through this. I am sure the Sacraments and Fr. will bring you much peace.
