Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Bikers

Josh's birthday is not until next month, but he got his birthday present early. He wanted a mountain bike, so we made a deal that he will do some work for us to help "pay" for part of it. He got a little seat for the girls so that he can give them rides. I like that they are up front with him, rather than sitting behind him.

Aubrey and Camryn have birthdays next month too, and Aubrey will probably get a bike for her birthday so that she can ride with Daddy. Reece's birthday is in June, and I'm pretty sure that's what he will want, too. Cammie and Gina can stick with riding on the little seat on Daddy's bike for awhile.

Don't they look cute in their bike helmet? :o) Josh needs one too. A bunch of his friends also have mountain bikes, and they like to go ride off-trail together.

Reece is too big to ride in the little seat, but was content to simply watch the riders and wait for them to come back around the block. :o)
Happy trails!

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