Friday, May 6, 2011

Thursday With Kelly

Kelly and I went to Gruene on Thursday. We ate lunch at Cantina del Rio and ice cream cones at the General Store, where I got some little surprises for the grandkids.

We saw the most enormous wind chimes I've ever seen hanging in a tree in front of one of the shops. They sounded like church bells, and the tone rang on forever. Beautiful!

Kelly bought a jar of pickles from the Fickle Pickle. She loves pickles. :o) The guy also had some old dishes and things that he was selling for ridiculously high prices. I could have bought the same things in a thrift store for a dollar or two. Kelly said she didn't think he was from here. We decided he was probably a Yankee. :o)

Thirsty, we went into Gruene Hall and ordered diet cokes. I didn't realize that it was cash only and I had no cash, so the sweet young man behind the bar treated us since he had already served the drinks. Definitely from here.

We sat at a table in the dance hall drinking our cokes, talking and people watching. And listening to Dwight Yoakum (on a CD) singing song after song.

A sweet old couple dressed in their Harley gear came in and danced one dance, then left.

A family came in with their sweet little boy, about three or four years old. He was wearing a tee shirt, shorts and tennies and a big cowboy hat. His mom and gramma danced around, trying to get him to dance, but he just looked at them as if they were weird. So cute!

We stopped on the way home at a new store called Supplize. It's a big warehouse full of all kinds of supplies--janitorial supplies, party supplies, office supplies. Interesting.

We also stopped at Hobby Lobby, where Kelly bought some jewelry making supplies and I bought a ball of yarn. Big spenders. :o)

She dropped me off at home and picked up her dogs and was on her way before rush hour started. She will be back on Sunday for Mother's Day. She's such a sweetheart. I love her.

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