Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Chatter

My sister Sandi and her son Collin visited this weekend. They arrived late yesterday afternoon, and left late this afternoon, so it was a short visit, but very enjoyable. They brought Mom over yesterday and spent the evening with us.

They got to spend time with Aubrey, who was with us while her parents and Reece were at the Monster Truck Show. Reece had fun at the show, and the noise didn't bother him at all. :o) That's his favorite monster truck in the picture--Grave Digger. When he got here today he had a stuffed Grave Digger shaped pillow and was showing me how it jumped. :o)

This morning Ron and I picked up Mom for Mass. She looked so pretty in her new gray jacket that Sandi gave her for Christmas, black slacks and her black hat. The Mass was a Low Mass today, with Fr. Schorp. The congregation at the Latin Mass seems to be growing; there was quite a crowd for Communion.

After Mass, we picked up Sandi and Collin at Mom's apartment and took them to lunch at Earl Abel's. Turkey and dressing with cranberry sauce--yum.

By the time we got back to Mom's, it was about 3 PM. When Ron and I got home, I took a catnap on the sofa, then Josh, Cyrise, Reece and Aubrey came by, and Sandi and Collin stopped on their way out of town to see them. Reece is always talking about his "Aunt Sanny." He was happy to see her and Collin.

Reece and I played in the backyard for a little while before Sandi and Collin got here, then when they arrived we went inside for birthday cake and ice cream. He was asking me for a cookie, and I would act like a monkey every time he said "cookie." He was cracking up. We both laughed so hard it made my stomach hurt. :o)

Please say a little prayer for Reece, who hasn't been feeling well the past few days. It may be the mountain cedar, or maybe he's catching some sort of bug. He will be his happy, sweet self one minute, and crying and upset the next.

And that's how our Sunday went. Hope yours was lovely, too.

PS: Sandi just called me. They are still driving home, and she wanted me to look at the moon. It is huge, bright and orange. Beautiful!


  1. by mountain cedar do you mean allergies? Allergies make me feel less than normal and cranky, too. I hope he's feeling better soon.

  2. Thanks, Sarah. Yes, allergies. From around mid-December until around mid-February the mountain cedar pollen blows into town from the Hill Country north of us. People with allergies are miserable for weeks.
