Saturday, June 21, 2008

Big Dan and Little Ann

We decided on Wilson Rawls' Where The Red Fern Grows as the book we will read together while the Grands are here. We read the first two chapters at bedtime tonight.

My dad loved this book. He could have been the boy in the story. He grew up in northeastern Oklahoma, the setting of the book, and strongly identified with the main character. I loved it too, and was thrilled when Caelen and Lyssa found it among my books and asked me to read it to them.

They saw a play at school based on the book, so they are already familiar with the story, and know that it has a sad ending.

When I finished the second chapter tonight and said that was all until tomorrow, they protested and wanted me to read more. My voice is hoarse from talking so much while our company has been here this past week, so I told them we would have to wait until tomorrow. They were sweet about it.

I'm exhausted. Everyone is asleep, and I have one more load of laundry to put in the dryer, then sweet dreams.


  1. It must be great to have your grandchildren stay Kalona. I wish it was warm enough here to go swimming. The mornings particularly are very cold at the moment but our days do warm up and we get plenty of sun so I really shouldn't complain.

  2. I do love having them here, Therese. I have as much fun as they do when they are here.

    There are times during our scorching summers when I would love to have some of your cold weather! It seems funny to think that you're having winter weather while we are melting here. :o)
