Ron and I just got home from the vet's with Sister and Katy. They were past due for their annual vaccinations. They were both pronounced very healthy. They weigh exactly the same--50.9 pounds, and even their temperatures were the same. They were excited to go somewhere in the car, and were good in the car and at the vet's. I'm pretty sure they remember the vet.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Puppies, Platelets and Visitors
Ron and I just got home from the vet's with Sister and Katy. They were past due for their annual vaccinations. They were both pronounced very healthy. They weigh exactly the same--50.9 pounds, and even their temperatures were the same. They were excited to go somewhere in the car, and were good in the car and at the vet's. I'm pretty sure they remember the vet.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Emotional Roller Coaster

Monday, September 27, 2010
Big News!

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Another Day Almost Over

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Saturday Summary
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
My Little Cake Boss
I had a much better day today. I'm still really sick, but not as sick as I was yesterday. I've been able to eat a bit, and that seems to help the nausea some.
Ron was here this afternoon. He went to Mass in the chapel, but I didn't go with him this time. I was afraid I'd get sick. So while he was gone, I took a shower.
Ron has been busy designing a new cabinet for our hallway, using yet another piece of glass from our old front door in the design. It's going to be so pretty!
Kelly came over around 4 PM and brought me some smoked grilled chicken and potato salad. It was so good, and I ate all of it! Ron left around 5, but Kel stayed until 6. We watched an episode of--guess what? Cake Boss! :o)
I want to say a special thank you to all of you. I certainly didn't expect to feel better today, and know that it is because of your prayers that I'm doing well. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Saturday Summary
Friday, September 17, 2010
Home On A Pass.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Last Update Today

They Say It's My Birthday

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Spiritual Lifts and Prayer Request
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Tuesday With Reece!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Tuesday Chatter
Thank you all for your continued prayers and support! Much love!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Promised Update
Sorry it has taken a few days to update, but we've been really busy. I still can't get online at the hospital, but the social worker told me she could get me a wi-fi card on Monday. (I'm not counting on it, but I'll keep my fingers crossed).
On Friday they gave me the first chemo—called BCNU, or Carmustine. The nurse asked me if I drank alcohol, and I told him very rarely. He said that the drug is mixed with alcohol during the infusion, and would probably make me feel drunk—slurred speech, facial flushing, light-headedness and dizziness. It did all that, and I was glad when it was over. My doctor came in afterward and said he could probably ask me anything right now, and I'd answer it. :o) It took a couple of hours before I started feeling better. So far I haven't had any of the bad side effects it can cause, but those usually occur a few days later.
Today (Saturday), Sunday and Monday, I'll get Etoposide (VP-16) and Cytarabine (Ara-C) twice daily. I got the first doses this morning at 8 AM, and will get the next two at 8 PM this evening. (Got them and tolerated them very well so far).
Then on the last day of chemo, I'll get an infusion of Melphalan, which they tell me is the “bad one.”
All of them can cause all sorts of side effects, but so far I've gotten through them okay. The doctors and nurses are good about giving drugs to keep problems at bay. The doctors and nurses have been telling me that the worst time will be after the transplant, and the worst side effect is usually mucousitis (not sure of that spelling).
I've had lots of company today. Ron was here at lunchtime and brought me a chicken basket from DQ. One of the nurses came in and said, “Oh, DQ! Is that what you like about Texas?” :o) She's cute. Ron told her that was one of the things he likes about Texas. (It's a little ditty from a commercial, for my non-Texan readers—DQ, that's what I like about Texas).
Ron left, and within minutes Kelly came in. She said she saw her dad driving out of the parking lot, but he didn't see her. We talked and walked around and around the ward a bit. She brought me two more books from a series she loaned me. After she left, I found a little handmade bookmark in the book that says, “I love you, Mom.” My heart melted. I love you too, Sweet Girl.
Then I took a shower, and had 2 phone calls while I was in the shower. And when I got out, Sandi and Mom were here. My nurse had put them in the family room to wait for me. I really enjoyed their visit. They just left to go to dinner. Sandi likes coming on the AF Base, or on Army bases. She said today that the military is a whole different world (true). They had to go to the visitor center at the gate to get a pass, and she enjoyed seeing the guys in fatigues and hearing someone ask where the latrine was. She said, “Army talk!” Ha! She is so cute. It's fun seeing a world we are so familiar with through her eyes.
Sandi is taking Mom home with her while I'm in the hospital. It is such a huge relief to know that Mom will be okay. Ron and the kids are wonderful to help with her, but they are dealing with enough right now, and this will be a load off their minds, too. Mom loves going to Sandi's beautiful apartment, and Sandi has planned lots of fun things for them to do. Kelly will be keeping Teddy for Mom, since pets are not allowed at Sandi's apartment complex. Family is wonderful.
My first phone call this morning was from Ron, then Cyrise called to tell me that Reece kept saying that he wanted to talk to Gramma. It was fun talking to him, and when he was finished talking he said, “I love you, Gramma. Bye-bye!” :o) I found out that he can come up to visit, after all! Yay! I think he and Josh are coming on Wednesday (Josh's day off). The baby girls are too young—you have to be over 2, so they will stay home with mommy.
I talked to Father Kloster today. I called him to get his advice on the Advanced Directive they want me to fill out. It was so nice to hear his voice, and of course his advice was very good. I wanted to make sure my thinking on it was in line with Church doctrine. We chatted for a bit, and he said that he is doing well. He probably thinks I'm nosy, but he reminds me of our oldest son, and I wanted to make sure he's okay.
And Josh called and chatted for awhile. He was on his way home from work and just called to see how I was doing. He said that he sometimes gets jobs near here, and if he gets a chance he will come and have lunch with me. I love it when someone brings me food, because the food here is bad. It all smells the same, and tastes the same. I always love to see Josh, even if he doesn't bring me food.
They are having trouble getting my blood sugar down—it's been in the 300s. Lots of things can raise it, but the main thing causing the problem right now are the steroids (and the chemo and the stress). So they've changed the plan a bit, and are giving me a slow release insulin along with my Metformin, and they took me off the Januvia, at least for now.
Sorry for the long, rather scattered-thinking post. You are all in my prayers, and I'm offering up any suffering for your intentions. Thank you for your continued prayers for me!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Countdown to Transplant

Dr. W discussed the side effects of the high dose chemotherapy, how it could affect my organs and my cells, the possibility that it could damage cells which could cause other cancers in the future, the possibility of having to go to the ICU, what would happen should I need endotracheal intubation, that I'll probably have a reduced appetite and maybe sores in my mouth, whether I have an advanced directive, etc. etc.
It turns out that I'll be in the hospital much longer than I had anticipated. The bone marrow transplant unit counts the days like this: the day I receive the transplanted stem cells will be Day 0. So tomorrow will be Day -6, Saturday Day -5, Sunday Day -4, etc. Day 0, transplant day, will be a week from today, Thursday September 16. The next day will be Day 1, Day 2, etc. They will keep me in the hospital to monitor me until my cell counts begin to go back up, which normally happens around Day 24, but can be as long as Day 30. :o( I hate the thought of being in the hospital that long, but I'll probably be there for at least 3 weeks, maybe longer. I may be able to go out "on pass" for a few hours or overnight sometimes, if I am doing well. I'll likely get red blood and platelet transfusions during the first couple of weeks after chemo, and there are even risks with those, especially with no immune system.
It all sounds pretty awful, but what I am dreading most of all is that I won't be able to see my grandchildren for so long. :o( Reece stayed overnight last night because I knew I wouldn't be seeing him for awhile. I didn't know it would that long, though! I could just cry when I think about it. I told him that I would call him, though. I'm so glad our other grandchildren were here over the long weekend!
This is going to be the hardest part of my treatment. Dr. W said there were 3 options. I can stop now, and the cancer might not come back, or it could come back in a year or two (likely with mantle cell lymphoma). I can stop now and get Rituxan (chemo) every six months or so, to "beat it back," and maybe get a few more years. I can go ahead with the stem cell transplant and have a better chance of it not coming back for a long time, and possibly curing it. I am definitely going for the cure.
So, dear ones, I need your prayers more than ever! Please pray for a complete cure. Please pray for me and my doctors, nurses and techs. And please, pray for my family that they won't be afraid and worried, but will instead be comforted and at peace.
If you'd like to pray the Novena to Blessed Stanilaus Papcyznski, you can find it here (thanks again, Angela). I will consider it a miracle if I am cured of mantle cell lymphoma, because my doctors keep telling me that it most always comes back.
St. Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer, so I'd appreciate prayers for his intercession, too.
But most of all, please beg Jesus for His Mercy for Sharon, a sinner in need of His love and forgiveness.
Thank you so much, dear readers! I will pray for you, and offer any suffering I may experience during the next month for your intentions. Hugs!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ron came home at lunch time. I was going to take him back to work and go to Mom's, but he didn't want me to drive in this weather, so he took her meds and stopped at her place on the way back to work.
I worry about our trees and the fence in this kind of weather. We've lost huge limbs from one of our trees in similar winds, and one tree blew completely over a few years ago. We're at the top of a hill, so we get the full force of the wind.
The pictures are from our local newspaper, The San Antonio Express News.
Monday, September 6, 2010
The Guys
The Girls
But here is sweet Aubrey with her hair in a ponytail.
And here is Lily in the pool. She spent the whole day in the pool on Saturday!
Here is Ahlyssa, playing Lily's recorder.
And here is the birthday girl, Great Gran.
Lily, Aubrey and Ahlyssa in the pool with Aunt Kelly. She is so wonderful with them.
I didn't get any pics of Cyrise and Camryn alone, but here they are with Josh and Jason. That's Aubrey, Cyrise sitting next to Josh, who is holding Camryn, and Jason on the far right.
Gran's Birthday Party
Mom's birthday was Sunday, and I think she enjoyed being here with everyone. We had a cook-out with lots of food. My sister Sandi was here, and brought a birthday cake that she baked for Mom.
Mom enjoyed her presents, her cake and ice cream and her grands and great-grands
And she enjoyed a beer. Here's my 84 year old mother having a Coors Light on her birthday.
She thought it was hilarious that I was taking her picture with her beer. :o) Isn't she just the cutest little Gran ever?
Happy Birthday, Mama!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Wednesday and Thursday with Reece
It's hard to believe that it is already September. Of course it still feels like summer here well into October, but I'm looking forward to autumn. There is a different feel in the air.