I needed groceries and a few other things. Even though I prefer to shop at HEB or the commissary for groceries, you can't beat the prices in "the third circle of hell" for other things.
The elastic in Reece's swimsuit is shot, so I decided to get him a new one. I looked at Old Navy and Children's Place, but they didn't have anything left. Wal-Mart, though, had a whole rack of these camouflage swimsuits. So even though I'd rather have had a Hawaiian surfer print, camo will have to do.
In the toothpaste aisle, I spied a cute little Wall-E electric toothbrush. Reece just started watching a Wall-E DVD and loves Wall-E, so I got it. I'm hoping it will inspire him to do a good job brushing his teeth.
Walking past the electronics section, I saw displays of $5 movies. One of Reece's favorite bedtime books is Green Eggs And Ham, and there was a Dr. Seuss DVD featuring Green Eggs And Ham right before my eyes. Into the cart it went.
In the cookie aisle I got a box of old-fashioned animal crackers for Reece's visit tonight. Then a quick spin through the toy section to see if they had Cars cars. And they did! He already has Lightning McQueen, 'Mater, Mac, the King and Chick Hicks, so I picked up Sally, Doc Hudson and Filmore. He will soon be able to "act out" the whole movie! :o)
So I'm all set for his visit tonight. We will go swimming, play Cars, watch a DVD and eat animal crackers. Then we'll brush our teeth. :o) I love being Gramma.