Tuesday, May 17, 2011

For Mike

Happy Birthday to our favorite son-in-law. :o)

May this new year of life be the best one ever, and may God continue to bless you always.

We love you, Mike.


  1. Thanks for the GI Joe birthday banner and the kind words! :) Love to all, Mike

  2. Oh, and that was me writing what Mike was telling me to comment just now - I guess I'm his transcriber for the day. :)

    He got his truck! And we just had grilled pizza with brownies for dessert.

    Love you,

  3. :o) I wondered if you would recognize the GI Joe banner, Mike. Of course I was pretty sure you would. Woo Hoo on the truck! Can't wait to see it.

    Mmm, grilled pizza! I've never tried that on the grill. Sounds yummy. So Mike had a brownie birthday cake? :o)

    Glad you've had a good day, both of you!
